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📈 Course Creators Weekly #36 🗓 March 1st, 2021 - The Rise of Cohort-based Courses

Ish Baid talks with Billy Broas about the rise of cohort-based courses, Julia Saxena talks about the merits of application-only courses, and Brian Green shares some tactics to help you persevere as a creator. 💪🏾

The Rise of Cohort-based Courses w/ Billy Broas The Rise of Cohort-based Courses w/ Billy Broas
🎙 Podcast ✊ Cohort-Based Courses

The Rise of Cohort-based Courses w/ Billy Broas

"There's no way universities can keep up. What you need is an institution or a program that's more nimble and flexible. A cohort is a perfect place to do that."

  • 📷
    CBCs are on the rise thanks to improved video tech, and accelerated by COVID
  • 🔰
    Be aware of your expert biases and try to adopt a beginner's mindset
  • 🎁
    Get clear on your course's value proposition and ROI for students
  • 🏄🏾‍♀️
    Think beyond professional development—what hobbies could you teach?
  • 🧢
    Be prepared to work hard and wear lots of different hats—it's a business venture
🔗 Ish Baid + Billy Broas via tryvirtually.com
6+1 reasons for making your online course application-only 6+1 reasons for making your online course application-only
🐦 Twitter Thread 🎉 Student Success

6+1 reasons for making your online course application-only

This one's almost verbatim from Julia's mini-essay. It's short, but too good not to share! 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • 1️⃣
    Hand-select the students who are most likely to succeed
  • 2️⃣
    Let your prospects sell themselves—find out about their goals
  • 3️⃣
    Answer questions—find areas for improvement in your marketing
  • 4️⃣
    Keep the quality of your course community high by selecting best-fit students
  • 5️⃣
    Avoid impulse buyers—reduce the risk of dropouts and refunds
  • 6️⃣
    Add an element of exclusivity—like scarcity, it makes people want it even more

I'd like to add a 7th reason! 😊

  • 7️⃣
    Get students to set their intentions from the get-go + feel more motivated to succeed
🔗 Julia Saxena via twitter.com
Persevering When Your Course Gets Tough Persevering When Your Course Gets Tough
✏️ Article 🧠 Mindset

Persevering When Your Course Gets Tough

3 common reasons you might hit a wall…

  • 1️⃣
    Creating your course is taking longer than you expected
  • 2️⃣
    Other important obligations are draining your time and energy
  • 3️⃣
    You're dissatisfied with the quality of the course material

What to do…

  • ⏳
    Accept that your estimates are probably off, especially your first—you'll get better
  • ⚙️
    Consider outsourcing mundane tasks or anything that doesn't require your expertise
  • 👣
    Adjust your expectations and try to focus on making incremental progress
  • 😨
    Acknowledge this: your first few courses will suck (my own twist on Brian's words)
  • 🔍
    Find the gaps in quality, assess if they'll affect student satisfaction, let 'em go if not
  • 🙋🏾
    Seek feedback to validate your assumptions and find improvement areas
  • 🛀🏾
    Take breaks, don't sacrifice your health, and celebrate progress with small rewards
  • 🚢
    Ship fast—don't wait until you have all the materials before you launch
  • 🔀
    Be prepared to pivot, if you discover that's what you need to do
🔗 Brian Green via curricular.dev

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Hey, I'm Merott 👋🏻

I'm an indie maker and freelance web developer from London.

I'm building my own business, because I'm terrible at following other people, and because I want my work to matter. I hope it will, to you and to your students.

Making progress, slowly and steadily, I'm also documenting and tweeting my journey every Monday @merott .

Thanks for visiting!
