Course Creators Weekly #50
June 7th, 2021
- Build your first course
Lauren Valdez shares her top tips for first-time creators, Janelle Allen talks about pre-selling, and Julia Saxena explains her process to build an email course!
Lauren's top 4 tips for starting an online course
Lauren Valdez shares her top tips for building your first course without overwhelm:
- Start where you are—don't compare yourself to top creators further on their journey
- If you don't have an audience, hustle for early customers—be helpful on the Internet
- Go as niche as possible—make your messaging super specific to a targeted group
- Just ship it—do the absolute minimum to test your idea, e.g. a Minimum Viable Course
Check out Lauren's article for more details and examples from her own experience!
P.S. I found this through Josh Spector's newsletter, For The Interested.
How to Pre-Sell Your Online Course
Pre-selling means to sell your course before it's ready. You always should.
Why pre-sell:
- Validate your course idea—the only true validation is people paying for it
- Keep yourself accountable to stop procrastinating and build your course
- Make some extra cash, upfront, that you can invest into building your course
- Build your email list—a list of people who actually want your course
The process:
- Build awareness—put regular, helpful content out on the Internet for free
- Announce your course—prime your audience to expect your course + gather feedback
- Educate & Nurture—share more targeted educational content on all channels
- Launch—open the gates, allowing people to purchase your course
Some more tips:
- Your course doesn't need to be (shouldn't be) complete when you pre-sell
- Pre-sell a live pilot, not a self-paced course—much easier + only need 30% of content
- Putting up a sales page alone isn't enough—like any sale, it needs active promotion
- Don't skip email marketing—it's always your number 1 way to reach your audience
What you need, at a minimum:
- Sales page
- Email copy—at a minimum, have your launch sequence written
- Shopping cart, i.e. checkout—basically, some way for people to pay you online
How to generate leads with a free email course
An email course is a great lead magnet to help you grow your email list. In this article, Julia Saxena shares a step-by-step process to develop and promote your email course.
My biggest takeaways:
- Make it effortless to benefit from—e.g. mindset shifts require minimal thinking exercise
- Brainstorm myths, misconceptions, limiting beliefs, and common pitfalls to avoid
- Write the emails, debunking the top 4–6 items on your list, one at a time in story form
- Schedule the emails in your email service provider, one day apart from each other
- Include a recap as the final email to tie everything together
- Create a landing page to promote your course + let people opt in with their emails
- Get promoting—e.g. opt-in forms on your website, social media posts, direct outreach
Check out Julia's article for in-depth explanations, examples, recommended elements for a landing page, and reasons why an email course is the perfect lead magnet!